Sanandaj Gas Power Plant

Project Specifications

Sanandaj Combined Cycle Power Plant consists of four gas turbines of V94.2 version of Ansaldo Company, each with a capacity of 159 MW and two steam units each with a capacity of 160 MW. The power plant is located on a 72 hectare land 7 km from Sanandaj on the road to Saqqez.
Construction of the gas section of Sanandaj Combined Cycle Power Plant started in 2004 by MAPNA MD-1 Company and construction of its steam section was launched in 2009 by MAPNA MD-2 Company.
Sanandaj Power Plant was possessed by Sanandaj Power Generation Company but 99.81% of its shares were ceded to MAPNA Company through barter of TAVANIR Company’s debts and claims of MAPNA Company, via off- exchange market.
Currently Kurdestan Power Generation Management Company (Private Joint Stock) is in charge of management of the power plant operation under the supervision of MAPNA Company.
Sanandaj Combined Cycle Power Plant is among the first MAPNA power plants that sells its generated electricity within the framework of a contract for supply of electricity in the electricity market and is completely different from other MAPNA Company power plants which have contracts for energy conversion.
The main difference in selling electricity in the electricity market with the contract for converting energy is in variability of the proposed price for each kW of the generated energy in 24 hours.
Also, in these types of contracts the cost of fuel for the power plant is borne by the company and it is necessary to consider this factor while formulating pricing strategies. Sanandaj Combined Cycle Power Plant is among the first private power plants in the country registered in the energy stock market. It sells part of its generated electricity within the framework of forward deals of energy stock market.
With regard to the strategic location of this power plant, initial studies are being made for export of parts of the generated energy to the power plants in the neighboring countries such as Iraq. Thus Sanandaj power plant is recognized as the first private power plant which exports electricity. It is anticipated that by the end of the calendar year 1392 (20 March 2014) this plan would be realized and bring remarkable hard currency revenues into the country.

Project: Sanandaj Gas Power Plant

Contract Type: EPC

Location:Kurdestan, Iran

Client: Iran Power Development Company (IPDC)

Project Type: Engineering & Construction

Capacity: 636 MW Units

Configuration: 159 x 4 Status: Commissioned

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