Kazeroun Gas power plant

Project Specifications

The 636 MW power plant of Kazeroun consists of four 159.9 MW gas units at ISO conditions which are located adjacent to two Mitsubishi turbine units. The gas turbines of Kazeroun Power Plant are of V94.2 version and have been supplied by Ansaldo Company of Italy.

This power plant has been constructed in the city of Kazeroun, 12 km from the city on the road to Farashband. The contract for Kazeroun Power Plant has been concluded with Iran Power Development Company (IPDC) within the framework of a larger contract for supplying 30 gas turbines.

The contract for this power plant consists of two parts of main equipment and other equipment (BOP) the first part of which has been manufactured by Ansaldo of Italy with the assistance of domestic contractors. The BOP part has been completely supplied by domestic contractors.

In this project, Iran Power Development Company (IPDC) is the client, Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers Company is the consultant and MAPNA MD-1 Company is the main contractor.

The electricity generated by this plant is transferred to the national grid through a 230 kV substation.

The fuel needed for the power plant is gas and gasoil: gas is the main fuel and gasoil the substitute fuel.

In the project for development of Kazeroun Power Plant some of the establishments and existing systems in the old Kazeroun Power Plant (two Mitsubishi units) which can address demands of a plan for construction of a four-unit power plant have been used.

Operations for the construction of Kazeroun Gas Power Plant were launched on Dec. 10, 2000. All the units of the power plant were synchronized by 2003 and in 2005 all the units were completely delivered to the client permanently.


Project: Kazeroun Gas Power Plant

Contract Type: EPC

Location: Kazeroun-Farashband Road, Fars Province

Client: Iran Power Development Company (IPDC)

Project Type: Engineering & Construction

Capacity: 636 MW

Units Configuration: 159.9 x 4

Status: Commissioned

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