MAPNA Group was ranked 20th among Iranian companies by Iran’s Industrial Management Institute (IMI) based on data from the last fiscal year. For its performance in the fiscal year of March 21, 2018-March 20, 2019, the company was also accredited as top Iranian contractor company in the IMI100 annual ceremony held by the institute.
The 22nd edition of IMI100, which aims to promote high-performing Iranian companies, was held in IRIB International Conference Center in northern Tehran on Sunday, January 19th, 2020.
With a sales record of 123383.7 billion rials, MAPNA ranked 20th in a list dominated by petrochemical companies, banks and financial institutes.
Eight MAPNA subsidiaries were also among the top 500 list, including MAPNA Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing Company (136th), Neyre Perse (141st), MAPNA Power Plant Construction & Development Company (155th), MAPNA Combined Cycle Power Plants Construction & Development (159th), MAPNA Operation & Maintenance Company (164th), Nasb Niroo (194th), and MAPNA Turbine Blade Engineering and Manufacturing Company (285th).
MAPNA also ranked 10th in terms of asset value (619.7773 billion rials), and 6th in terms of added value (87.593 billion rials).
MAPNA Operation & Maintenance Company also ranked first in the category of technical and engineering services in terms of sales index.
Inside the contractor companies category, Neyr Perse, MAPNA Power Plants Construction & Development Company, MAPNA Combined Cycle Power Plants Construction and Development Company, and Nasb Niroo Company ranked 8th, 10th, 11th, and 14th respectively. MAPNA Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing Company (TUGA), MAPNA Boiler and Equipment Engineering and Manufacturing Company, and MAPNA Turbine Blade Engineering and Manufacturing Company (PARTO) ranked 2nd, 4th, and tenth respectively in the category of machinery, equipment, and metal industries.