MAPNA Receives Permit to Operate 1st Asaluyeh Power Plant Steam Unit

MAPNA Group’s Asaluyeh Power Generation Company has received the permit to operate the first unit of Asaluyeh Power Plant, in southern Bushehr Province.

Based on a certificate, granted by the Thermal Power Plants Holding Company, the project’s client, to MAPNA in early December, the Group will start the commercial implementation of the first phase of Asaluyeh Power Plant under a buyback contract.

Asaluyeh Power Plant includes three gas units each with a generation capacity of 157 MWs, Tuga V94.2 type and 2 gas units of MAP2+ Tuga type each with a 166 MW and a single 170 MW of MAP2A Tuga type, and the relevant 400 kV substation and is located 25 km off South Pars Special Economic Zone and in the vicinity of Bostanu village in the Southern Iranian province of Bushehr.

The generation capacity of last three units have been improved through total overhaul and operating new products of the MAPNA Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing (TUGA).

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