A look into Synchronization of MAPNA’s Power Plants since March 2021

MAPNA’s Generated Power from March 2021 to March 2022

A look into Synchronization of MAPNA’s Power Plants since March 2021

The synchronization of 14 power plants of the MAPNA Group since the last year’s summer peak added 1334 Megawatts to Iran’s overall capacity. This power generation potential will be a great help to the country’s power industry as the summer peak is not far away.

The MAPNA Group managed to open 1154 megawatts of thermal and renewable power plants in (the Persian calendar year) 1400 (March 21, 2021 – March 20, 2022). The addition of these new plants to the country’s power network has enhanced the capacity to answer the country’s needs.

The third steam cycle of Shirvan Combined Cycle Power Plant and the first and second units of Mil Nader wind farm were synchronized before last summer’s peak while the synchronization of the second gas unit of Hengam Combined Cycle Power Plant and the third gas unit of Iran LNG Combined Cycle Power Plant was realized in late summer.

The synchronization of the third steam unit of Jahrom Combined Cycle Power Plant and the third to seventh units of Mil Nader wind farm added 355.5 megawatts to the country’s capacity last autumn. Four other units were synchronized in winter including the second steam unit of Urmia Combined Cycle Power Plant, the eighth unit of Mil Nader wind farm, a portable gas unit of Mianrood Power Plant, and the first steam unit of Chabahar Combined Cycle Power Plant.

The fourth gas unit of Iran LNG Combined Cycle Power Plant and the first gas unit of Zanjan II (Aryan) Combined Cycle Power Plant, with capacities of 162 and 183 megawatts respectively, were also inaugurated in the past two months.

A total of 17 units, including four gas units, four steam units, eight wind farm units, and a portable one, have been synchronized since March 2021. According to plans, the inauguration of new power plants will add 2,000 megawatts to the country’s power network till mid-summer.

As a strong industrial force in Iran and in the Middle East, the MAPNA Group has enhanced its power generation capacity in recent years, managing to produce a total of 45,000 megawatts of energy (total of projects inside and outside Iran) up to now. The company is striving to expand this capacity, supporting the country’s power network, especially in peak periods.

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