MAPNA’s Smart EV Charging Poles: Combination of Efficiency and Creativity

As the electrification continues to grow at a rapid pace around the world, one of the big questions is where all those new vehicles are going to charge. 

While it is essential to develop home charging infrastructure to continue with the EV adoption plans, that option is not available for many drivers who do not have access to off-street parking. 

MAPNA Group, as a pioneering player in Iran’s electrification ambitions, has been trying to provide comprehensive solutions to tackle such challenges. One solution can be the new smart light poles, where the charging point and luminaire pole are fused into one.

In this regard, MAPNA Electric & Control, Engineering & Manufacturing Company (MECO) has designed and developed an on-street smart AC charger, which can be used for a multitude of purposes.


The new charger, dubbed “Map AC-St1-basic”, has been designed in the form of a light pole that can be installed on streets to both light the city and fill up EV batteries.  The charger, which combines creativity, beauty and efficiency, is suitable for open spaces, parking lots or public charging stations.

The charger’s pole has been designed in a way that other features, such as parking meters, can be installed to it.

The cutting-edge technology of MAPNA’s new product allows remote monitoring of the charging status and process as well as payment through MECO’s mobile app.

The beautifully thin-designed charging poles take up less space than usual poles, making them a suitable choice for installation in every narrow and crowded place. The device can be installed in the vicinity of coffees and restaurants, for instance, and give EV drivers the peace of mind, as they can enjoy their cup of coffee while their vehicle is being recharged. 


With the spread of MAPNA’s new AC chargers across cities, drivers will no longer have to worry about their car batteries, as they can find and even book the nearest charger on their route through the MAPNA Charging Services application. 

Users can connect to the charger via FRID card and QR Code.

MECO’s Control and Monitoring Center will monitor and troubleshoot all the EV charging poles through OCPP. 1.6 protocol, round the clock.

MAPNA street charger modules cover both Type 1 and Type 2 connectors.

Important features of MAPNA street AC chargers:

  • Supporting Type 1 and Type 2 connectors
  • Output of 7.4kW and 22kW (scalable)
  • Access to the Internet via GSM, LAN and WiFi
  • RFID card reader, QR-Code
  • Reservation function
  • Supported by OCCP. 1.6
  • Remote Updating
  • Accessible through the website and mobile application
  • Conformity with IEC61851-1 Standard

Please visit for more information or to order this product.

The Earth Is Breathing

MAPNA Electric & Control, Engineering & Manufacturing Company (MECO)

Electric Vehicle and Infrastructure Development Center (EVIDC)

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