MAPNA Hosts Annual Thermal Power Plant Conference in Tehran

The 27th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering and the Seventh Thermal Power Plant Industry Conference kicked off on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. 

Co-hosted by MAPNA Group and the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering (ISME), the three-day congregations serve as platform for exchanging the latest scientific and technological achievements in construction of thermal power plants.

The conferences inaugurated on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 in Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran. ISME members, thermal power plant industry executives, and members of the academia were among attendants of the conference.

The keynote speaker of the conference was MAPNA Group President Abbas Aliabadi. In his speech, Aliabadi pointed to MAPNA Group’s major achievements in the recent years, including the 42-MW homegrown turbine installed in Zahedan Power Plant in southeastern Iran, a fully domestic project which is tailored to Iran’s climate.

Pointing to major global challenges such as food waste, unsustainable economic growth, unemployment, greenhouse gas emissions, and reduced investment in the infrastructure sector, Aliabadi called for an inclusive model of economic growth which benefited all social strata as part of the solution to such challenges.

He also called for stronger environmental conservation in par with economic growth.

Pointing to the unprecedented global CO2 levels and its direct relation to fossil fuel consumption, MAPNA President called for control and reduction of greenhouse gas emission through increasing the share of renewable energies in power production, electrification, and digitalization of systems.

Aliabadi also called for cutting consumption levels and increasing efficiency levels as two other key strategies to reduce emission of greenhouse gas emissions.

The 27th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering and the Seventh Thermal Power Plant Industry Conference will end on Thursday, May 2, 2019.

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