MAPNA Drilling Company to Manufacture Top Drive Service Loop

MAPNA Drilling Company will start manufacture of top drive service loops in near future.
The news was announced by head of MAPNA Drilling Company’s Power and Engineering Repair Services. The cables are based on VDE 0250-812, VDE0472-803, and VDE0482-332-1-2 standards, and are able to operate under extreme heat and tensile forces.
High oil, humidity, and heat resistance (up to 200 °C), and flexibility are features of cables to be manufactured by MAPNA Group. Local manufacturing of the service loop is expected to result in a 70% saving in actual cost of the item.
Next on the agenda of MAPNA Drilling Company is manufacture of 1150-KW explosion proof electric motors according to the head of the company’s Power and Engineering Repair Services Department.
A top drive is a device consisting of one or more electric or hydraulic motors installed on a drilling rig. It provides clockwise torque, used to rotate the drill string during the drilling process.
MAPNA Drilling Company decided to manufacture the item locally after facing challenges of quality issues (weak design, lack of explosion proof sockets and plugs, substandard cable rubber jackets) and high cost of imported cables.

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