Second Steam Cycle of Jahrom Power Plant Synchronized to the Grid

MAPNA Combined Cycle Power Plants Construction & Development (MD-2) Company, the executor of the project, received provisional acceptance certificate on September 1, 2019.
With provisional delivery of the unit, MD-2 has now received PAC for 91 units with an aggregate capacity of 13,911 MWs.
Jahrom Combined Cycle Power Plant
To convert gas-fueled simple cycle power plants of the country, and to increase power generation capacity and augment domestic capabilities to manufacture main equipment (e.g. turbine, generator, boiler etc.), Iran’s Thermal Power Plants Holding Company, commissioned MAPNA Group with 22 conversion projects. The contract was signed in November 2002.
With an overall capacity of 3*160 MWs, Jahrom Combined Cycle Power Plant was the last batch of this project. The original client of the project was the now defunct Iran Power Development Company and Moshanir served as the consultant. As part of the privatization campaign, the Iranian Privatization Organization handed the project over to Jahrom Power Generation Company.
The project is located 27 kilometers north of Jahrom, on the sidelines of Jahrom-Shiraz Road.
Three E-type steam turbines each with a capacity of 160 MWs and a 400-kv transmission substation have been installed by MAPNA Group. Ghods Niroo Engineering Company serves as consultant of the project.

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