MAPNA Locomotive Company Inaugurates High-power Test Bench

MAPNA Locomotive Engineering & Manufacturing Company (MLC) has opened its high-power test bench.
The test bench was inaugurated in a ceremony attended by MAPNA President Abbas Aliabadi and senior executives of the company in MLC factory on Tuesday, December 10, 2019.
The bench is designed for testing heavy duty motors with capacities of up to 3600 kvs (4800 HP). The high-power test bench can also conduct test operations on power generation motors running on gas and diesel fuel, and combined heat & power (CHP) and mechanical drive motors.
Rehabilitated traction motors and locally manufactured motors can be also put to test in the state-of-the-art test chamber. The dynamometer is designed to measure torque, rotational speed (RPM), as well as fuel consumption, emission, noise, oil leakage, and performance of turbochargers, and auxiliary components.
MLC test bench will provide regular service for MAPNA Group products and third party companies.
MAPNA President Abbas Aliabadi appreciated efforts by MAPNA Locomotive Engineering & Manufacturing Company during the inauguration ceremony.
“Launching the high-power test bench will definitley bolster MLC’s technical profile,” he said.
“Operation of the test bench will turn MLC into a knowledge and research & development center which can provide clients with diverse services,” he added.

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