MAPNA Group Dispatches First F-class Turbine to Andimeshk Power Plant

MAPNA Group’s first F-class turbine was dispatched to Dokouheh Power Plant in Khuzestan Province on Saturday, December 21, 2019.
The new 307-MW turbine increases efficiency to 40 percent in simple cycle thermal plants, and 59 percent in combined cycle plants.
Other key features of the F-class turbine include lower fuel consumption and higher compliance to environmental standards.
Located near the city of Andimeshk, on the 15th kilometer of Karkheh Dam Road, Khuzestan Province, Dokouheh Combined Cycle Power Plant comprises a single gas turbine with a capacity of 307 MWs, a triple-pressure HRSG (heat recovery system generator), a steam portion with a capacity of 141 MWs, and an air cooling system.
Thermal Power Plants Holding Company is the client of the project and Ghods Niroo serves as consultant. MAPNA Special Projects Construction & Development Company (MD-3) represents MAPNA Group as the executor of the project.
“MAPNA Group signed a technology transfer agreement for F-class turbines with Siemens following the Ministry of Power’s demand for higher efficiency turbines,” said Majid Bahmani, Managing Director of MAPNA Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing Company (TUGA).
“Iranian experts will pursue full localization of the turbine,” he added.
Pointing to the demand among power plants to install the higher-efficiency F-class turbines, TUGA Managing Director said that 12 sale contracts had been finalized with clients.
Bahmani added that full technology transfer of F-class turbines will realize within a time span of three to four years. “Our colleagues in MAPNA Group will design hot components and all main sections of the turbine step by step,” he said.
“No other country has adopted knowhow transfer in this manner and with this level of success,” TUGA Managing Director stressed.
Deputy Managing Director of TUGA Mohammad Owliya also commented on MAPNA Group’s latest plans in the manufacturing sector: “beside F-class turbine technology transfer, MAPNA Group has initiated design and development of a fully local turbine dubbed MGT-75” he said.
“Production of the turbine will kick off in the upcoming months. The final product will be dispatched to power plants by the first half of the next year,” he said.
“MGT-75 has a capacity of 220 MWs with an efficiency close to F-class turbines” Owliya added.
“MGT-75 is a fully local product and the result of collaboration between MAPNA Group, academia, and research centers,” TUGA Deputy Managing Director reminded.
“The turbine has a lower capacity which needs lower investment but attracts a broader range of clients.”

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