MAPNA Synchronizes Units I & II of Aryan Plant

MAPNA Group synchronizes units I and II of Aryan (Zanjan II) combined cycle power plant.

Synchronization of Aryan power plant will increase the aggregate electricity generation capacity of the country by 366 MWs as Iran is approaching another scorching summer.

Aryan Combined Cycle Power Plant, also known as Zanjan II, comprises two gas units each with a capacity of 183 MWs and one 180-MW steam unit, totaling a capacity of 546 MWs.

The power plant’s specs include a homegrown MAP2B turbine and a triple-pressure heat recovery steam generator (HRSG).

Unit I of the plant was connected to the grid on May 30, 2022, and the second unit on June 7th.

North & South Energy Development Company is the client of the project and Ghods Niroo serves as project consultant.

Located 82 kilometers west of the city of Zanjan, Aryan Combined Cycle Power Plant is the 176th power project executed by MAPNA Power Plant Construction Company.

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