Ceremony Marks Official Operation of LNG Power Plant’s 3rd, 4th, 5th Gas Units

A ceremony was held on September 4, 2022, to officially mark the operation of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th gas units of LNG Power Plant.

The units were inaugurated by Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji. He lauded the efforts of MAPNA Group in building the units.

The three units had been synchronized to the national grid in September 2021, May 2022, and July 2022 respectively.

The required tests for the power plant’s 400 kV substation have been conducted and will go on stream after gaining the required licenses.

The two remaining steam units, which will improve the power plant’s total capacity to 1130 MWs, will be completed in the next two years.

Located in Pars Special Economic Energy Zone in Bushehr Province, south of Iran, Iran LNG Combined Cycle Power Plant has five gas and two steam units with a total capacity of 1130 Megawatts.

The power plant is active with the efforts of several companies affiliated with the MAPNA Group including Neyr Perse, MAPNA Operation & Maintenance Company, MAPNA Turbine Engineering, and Manufacturing Company (TUGA), MAPNA Electric & Control Engineering & Manufacturing Company (MECO), and MAPNA Generator Engineering & Manufacturing co. (PARS).

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