MAPNA Synchronizes 2nd Medium-Scale Unit of Zahedan Project

The second medium-scale gas unit in Zahedan Power Plant was synchronized to the national grid on September 5, 2022.

This comes just 10 days after the first of such units in Zahedan Power Plant was synchronized.

The control system of the unit has been designed and manufactured by MAPNA Electric & Control Engineering & Manufacturing (MECO).

The unit in Zahedan was the 185th unit synchronized by MAPNA Power Plant Construction and Development Company (MD-1) in its history and its seventh synchronized one this year (starting from March 21, 2022).

This was part of a contract signed by MAPNA Group and Thermal Power Plants Holding Company (TPPH) to build seven medium-scale gas power plants.

As per the contract signed in December 2021, MAPNA was tasked with building the gas units each with a capacity of 42 MWs as well as other necessary systems and ancillary equipment.

Accordingly, medium-scale units are being constructed in Zahedan Power Plant, Morvarid Power Plant (Kish Island), Banglan (Jask) Power Plant (Hormozgan Province), Doroud Power Plant (Lorestan Province), Shush Power Plant (Khuzestan Province), and Khatam Power Plant (Yazd Province).

MAPNA’s medium-scale power plants have the ability to generate offshore and off-grid power and are economically suitable for various industries.

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